Financial Documents Verification
A trade or a business body’s financial health is determined by its business size, good TRADE CREDIT SCORE (TCS), TRADE CREDIT REPORT (TCR), TRADE BALANCED SHEETS (TBS), and profit and loss account. In a world where fraud has taken over each sector of the trading world, analyzing the legitimacy of a trader, dealer or wholesaler’s financial transaction becomes quite hectic and time consuming as well. It is important to note that in today’s time it is very easy to forge any financial document and it can be difficult for a non-experienced eye to spot the difference.
What all documents fall under Trade Finance Document Verification (TFDV)?Providing trader's Identity proof is not enough to authenticate a particular trade process. There are many financial items which fall under the purview of the financial documents verification, such as inventory valuations, investments, fixed assets, asset depreciation, foreign currency (if any), TRADE CREDIT REPORT (TCR). Trade bodies such as wholesalers, dealers and traders who form the crux of the business enterprise may manipulate the Financial Documents (FD) to extract financial benefits such as inflating revenue, assets, cash inflow data, understate expenses, forged Trade credit reports, and cash outflow in financial statements.
The ITCIB comes handy as it is the first and the only platform in the country where one’s entire Financial Documents (FD), Criminal Records (CR), TRADE CREDIT REPORT (TCR) etc are analyzed and authenticated to provide businesses a flawless and legit trade document (TD).
Financial Trade Documents (FTD) can be of various types depending on the nature of the Trade. Thus it is of utmost importance to get all requisite trade documents verified under legit process. Financial trade documents are verified under three basic process - Data extraction, data validation and document screening. Based on this, all financial trade documents (FTD) can be further validated and cross checked using various forms of validation. All duplicate or forged trade documents too are scrutinised to provide a business with more power of financial trade gain as well as access to valued customers in the long run.
Consultation for Financial Document Verification (FDV) IS A MUSTLike said before, the present trade situation is utterly complex and full of fraudulent companies conspiring for a poor trade experience. In such scenario, it becomes extremely easy for trade manipulator to forge financial documents for quick cash inflow. Falling into the trap of such trade conspirators will have major impact on theTRADE CREDIT SCORE (TCS) leading to poor trade credit report (TCR). With many years of experience in this sector, our pool of established professional legal advisors and financial consultants can dispense off this FINANCIAL DOCUMENT VERIFICATION (FDV) and swiftly confirm the authenticity of the financial documents.
Our tried and trusted system use various resources such as RTI, police complaint records, financial records, court case records, independent checks etc to authenticate the financial documents of the concerned financial body. A number of independent checks are also made with the trade parties (manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, dealers or traders) named on documents and others and these quickly indicate whether there is any cause of concern.