What is business fraud?
When a businessman does not give money to another businessman doing business is called a business fraud. Your business partner Not paid due amount timely Update such cases in ITCIB Avoid cheating cases related to a Person/Firm/Company क्या आप जानते हैं व्यापारिक धोखा क्या होता है?
ITCIB हम आपकी व्यापार में बढ़ती चिंता को समझते हैं | ITCIB We Understand Your Concern in Business
Daddy, I want to tell you something, I'm thinking to start a business. Nice thought son, please sit here. I appreciate your plan to start new business, but I do not want that you should repeat the same mistakes as I had faced in past. No daddy, I want to explain you more about my business thoughts. Please sit for 10 minutes and listen to me. Ok, please let me know.
ITCIB का परिचय | Introduction of ITCIB
Criminal Record Analysis, Better than trade credit insurance. ITCIB(Indian Trade Credit Information Business) A part of LEGAL EMPOWERMENT INDIA LLP ITCIB का परिचय Do you know? • 25% - information from traders is falsified • 5-25% - credit sales turns into bad credit • 20% time of sales team is spent on recovery calls • 30% - failures are related to bad credit
Empower your business with the powers of ITCIB Benefits ITCIB के साथ अपने व्यवसाय को सशक्त बनाएं
ITCIB Benefits Verify trader credit information Prevent Fraud Acquire more customers Grow your business Recover debt future of next generation business business defaulter, trade defaulter, financial defaulter, business criminal, trade criminal Supporting millions of business owner to take trade decisions every day.